Saturday, August 29, 2009

Jesus don't want me for a sunbeam, sunbeams are never made like me.

Tucson sunsets are so damn beautiful. Sort of makes a girl want to shake off her cynicism, grab the hand of a nice boy and live happily ever after. Now if only I can find one. Kurt Cobain is on TV right now. GOSH I forgot how much I love Kurt Cobain. Now that's a guy I would walk off into the sunset with...well, I suppose it would be more like a drug induced stagger into the sunset. While I wait for my deceased, imaginary boyfriend to be resurrected, I will just watch the sunset from my front steps.

Even though I may not have someone to fucking frolic in the wind with doesn't mean I'm not happy. I'm loving Tucson more and more everyday. I have to admit, after moving here from the progressive Northwest, I was a bit skeptical of this desert town. There are parts of Oregon I miss but I'm finding beauty in this mass of dirt. Even though I finally feel at home in Tucson, Arizona, I would say the thing I miss most about Portland, Oregon are the people. Not to bash on Tucson (I cannot say enough about how much I really love living here) but Portland totally one ups you on the quality of people. That is NOT to say that I haven't met some amazing people in Tucson, I'm just sayin'. Kind of like how New York is known for it's fast paced, jaded jerks; Portland is known for it's friendly, environmentally aware, hippies.

Now I know every city has it's fair share of douche bags, yes Portland, even you have a handful of d-bags running the streets (they're usually located at Dirty and McFadden's). But why is it that I seem to meet EVERY douche bag in Tucson? I swear someones playing a bad joke on me. I must emanate some sort of pheromone that attracts assholes. Or maybe I just have really awful taste in guys. This desert heat has got me seeing mirages.

I'm taking a little hiatus from the bar scene. It's just getting more and more disappointing every time I go out. And now that the college kids are back in town there's even more d-bags running wild...I feel like I'm in an Ed Hardy/Affliction nightmare. Have I mentioned how I love referring to people as d-bags? I'm so mature. I miss going out with a group of friends and meeting new people who are actually genuine. It all seemed so much easier in the city of roses.

Tucson, you may get a 6.5 on the dating scene scale, but I'm in love with your sunsets. Who needs boys when you've got a gorgeous view of the skyline, a good book, and a box of Tofutti Cuties? I'm happy just daydreaming of dead rockstars.

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