Thursday, September 3, 2009

The day I turned into Snow White...and then I threw up.

Today was a good day. It started off with me hurling out my guts into Amy's guest bathroom toilet, but turned out to be alright.

I am very allergic to Greyhounds. I learned that today. I also learned that I am a dog whisperer. Being at Amy's house made me feel like Snow White. You know...when she starts singing and all the forrest creatures gather round her? Yeah. I was totally in that moment. So, although I had an allergy/asthma attack and was dry heaving all was okay because feeling like a Disney Princess was totally worth it. Did I tell you I'm a princess? Well I am.

Do NOT eat the jalapenos in the refrigerator at work. I know...I totally asked for it. Everyone knows that the fridge in the break room is one giant petri dish for bacteria. There are science projects going on in there. Who's Snack Pack is in the door of the fridge on the left? Because I really want to eat it. It's been in there for weeks. Anyway, the jalapenos...BAD idea. Throwing up jalapenos is as painful as it sounds. Never again will I eat food from the fridge that is not mine. Except for the Snack Pack...

3am: "Oh shit, I'm going to be sick". Amy you and Greg have a lovely bathroom. So lovely that I actually slept in your bathtub and could not keep my face out of your toilet. On top of the jalapeno sickness and my allergies, I overdosed on my inhaler and felt like I was having a mini cardiac arrest. Awesome.

BUUUTTT...turned out to be an alright day after all. Work was busy but I felt like I got a few things done. A soy chorizo breakfast burrito made me feel tons better. I got employee of the month which made me smile (I know, I'm cheesy but I get really excited about being employee of the month). My therapy session was good. I love my therapist (got a new guy a few weeks ago and he is much better than chicken dinner lady). He's like the older brother I never had. We basically just talk shit about our lives to each other for an hour and a half. He gives me good advise about life in my 20's; money, career, boys, etc.

Being at home with my family is fun. I love my fam. My little bro is all excited about this play he's in (he's a drama kid). It's super cute. He showed me some artwork for the play and played a Beatles song on his guitar. My little bro's gonna be a heartbreaker one day.

Well, me and my sis are on a mission for some Tofutti Cuties and a cruise around Oro Valley. I love spending time with people who know me best.


  1. The few times you tried spending the night at my house were an absolute disaster. Remember the first time, when you slept on a feather pillow all night? Haha, oops! You could barely open your eyes that morning. My mom was sure your mom would never let you come back, haha!

  2. ha! yeah i totally remember that! i had the worst sleepover experince growing up. i thought i grew out of it but i guess not :(
